Notícias: A Sniff of Home Cooking for Dogs and Cats

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

A Sniff of Home Cooking for Dogs and Cats

Sham, one of Barbara Laino’s cats, with the fresh food Ms. Laino prepares for her at her organic farm in Warwick, N.Y.
 The Alaskan malamute, a 12-year-old who bounced into the kitchen like a puppy, followed that with a main course of ground raw chicken necks and livers, red cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, berries, garlic and parsley, formed into tidy patties. He licked it off a plate embellished in blue and green flowers.
Like nearly everything else Orion has eaten for most of his life, this meal was prepared for him by his owner, Barbara Laino. Her standard recipe, which will feed Orion along with the other dog and the three cats in her house for around 10 days, calls for grinding 40 pounds of pasture-raised chicken necks with another 20 pounds of chicken giblets. To this, she adds five pounds of carrots, a whole cabbage and several other fruits, all from the organic fields of Midsummer Farm, Ms. Laino’s farm in Warwick, N.Y. Finally, she blends the mix with herbs and supplements.Ms. Laino, 39, demonstrated her technique at a workshop on homemade pet food that she gave in her kitchen in July. In addition to the workshop, which she has led regularly for the last four years, she also coaches human clients who want to eat seasonally and organically. And in fact, her philosophy for the two classes is not all that different. She says she wants for her pets what she wants for herself: a healthy diet of unprocessed organic foods.“We know processed foods are wrong for us,” Ms. Laino said, scratching behind Orion’s ears as he licked his nose and paws clean. “It has to be wrong for them. If you can feed yourself healthily and your children, then you can feed your pets healthily, too. It really isn’t that hard.”

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